Understanding Perinatal Services Delivered in Substance Use and Mental Health Treatment Facilities in the United States
Characterizing services for patients in the perinatal period offered by substance use and mental health treatment facilities
Perinatal mental health is a critical area of focus that encompasses the well-being of both mother and baby during the perinatal period, which spans from conception to one year after birth. Despite the association of perinatal mental health disorders with infant and maternal morbidity, mortality, and economic cost, prior research on this topic is limited. Our projects focus on developing and supporting the workforce providing perinatal services to improve maternal and infant health outcomes. Our research addresses access to mental health treatment across the perinatal period, geographic distribution of behavioral health facilities that provide care to perinatal populations, and the workforce delivering essential healthcare services for vulnerable populations.
Characterizing services for patients in the perinatal period offered by substance use and mental health treatment facilities
Understanding screening practices for perinatal SUD and MHD in the U.S.
Investigating the inclusion of perinatal service delivery at mental health and substance use treatment facilities in the U.S.
Investigating the perinatal mental health workforce across the U.S.